Presentation of the days

The CRAN (Center for Research in Automatic Control of Nancy), a joint research unit (UMR 7039), jointly organized by the University of Lorraine (UL) and the CNRS organizes the 24th STP (Sciences and Techniques of Production ) of the MACS GdR. These days will take place on the site of the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Vandoeuvre, as well as on the premises of the AIP Lorrain.

The MACS (Research Group on Modeling Analysis and Conduct of Dynamic Systems) is a structure that brings together, at national and French level, more than 2000 researchers as well as industrialists working in the following two fields:

  • Productivity (performance evaluation, scheduling, organization and management of production, maintenance, knowledge / skills management, simulation, communicating company, etc);

  • Automatic (predictive control, identification, delay systems, hybrid systems, etc.).

The GAC MACS aims to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge on current research, to enhance the links with industry and to bring together all research actors, both institutional and private, around the removal of scientific locks. Within this framework, the GdR structures research into different working groups (GTs), each of which is specific to clearly defined scientific issues.

Each year, the Gd organizes the STP days attended by the various GTs belonging to the field of production. Plenary lectures on a general theme, common to all WGs, as well as meetings for each WG, during which current or more forward-looking scientific work is presented, are planned.





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