Towards service orchestration through software capability profile
Néjib Moalla  1@  , Jannik Laval  1  , Abdelhadi Belfadel  1, *  , Chantal Cherifi  1@  
1 : Université Lumière Lyon 2, Laboratoire DISP
Université Lumière Lyon 2
* : Auteur correspondant

Open source solutions offer great reuse opportunities. However, the difficulty lies on the appropriation of these solutions to meet specific business requirements. We aim in this work to decompose an open source application in specific functionalities as conceptual view for service orchestration. We provide a solution to characterize a functionality of an open source application in a readable and standardized way. Then we provide an automated solution for the externalization of these characterized functionalities as an Application Programing Interface with the help of a case study. Our approach uses capability profile provided by the ISO 16100 series which is a standardized methodology for interoperability of manufacturing software. As a result, we generate reusable components for service orchestration needs.

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